
Mission has been at the very heart of the Keswick Convention for more than 100 years – and it still is! Join us at Virtually Keswick Convention to hear what God is doing around the world and how you can get involved.


Listen to interviews with those sharing the gospel across the world and learn how we can pray for what God is doing around the world. 

Listen Now

Getting involved in mission – where to start? Click here to find out about understanding mission, how to get involved and resources available. 


Do you want to be more involved in world mission where you are? Click here to find 10 ways to develop your interest in mission.

develop your interest

Visit the ‘Virtual Service Station’ and use the interactive guide to find out more about your place in God’s mission. 

Virtual Service Station

Mission Interviews

Mission interview: Monday

John and Abi Hunt are serving with SIM. They will be talking about their work in Nigeria and the impact of COVID-19.


Mission Interview: Tuesday

A woman sharing the gospel in North Africa will be talking about her work and the impact of COVID-19. Her words will be spoken by an actor.


Mission Interview: Wednesday

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful… Hebrews 10:23 How do we hold to the hope we profess? Hear three inspiring speakers share their stories of hope in the midst of fierce persecution – a collaboration between CSW, Open Doors UK&I and Release International.


Mission interview: Friday

Chris Wright, International Ministries Director of Langham Partnership and a regular speaker the Keswick Convention, will be talking about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic of global mission.

Book recommendations: Click here for more details about a short e-book by Jason Mandryk about the implications of the coronavirus for the global Church, and specifically, its impact on global mission.


Interactive PDF Downloads

Identify your gifts. Browse opportunities. Discern your calling.

Christian Vocations has devised its own virtual SERVICEstation so that you have the opportunity to think through how God might be calling you or wanting you to use your gifts in his service.

We’re able to bring to you a variety of mission agencies which work in the UK and throughout the world – representing a wide range of ministries and with real expertise in their respective fields. 

Take a few moments to: 

  • Explore our ‘exhibition’
  • Identify your gifts
  • Browse opportunities – short-term and long-term, in the UK and overseas – from over 50 different UK-based mission agencies
  • Answer some of your frequently asked questions about getting involved in mission
  • Discern your calling
  • Browse our publications online
  • Search UK jobs in the Christian church and charity sector
  • And more!

Getting Involved With Mission

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Virtual Service Station

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10 Ways to Develop Your Interest in Mission

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